


1.  過去簡單式

動詞型態 V-ed


例1.The Republic of China was founded in 1912.


例2.John went to Tainan yesterday.(約翰昨天去台南。)

例3.Bill was very naughty when he was a child.(比爾小時候非常頑皮。)


例1.My father used to take a walk in the morning.



例1.The teacher stepped into the classroom and asked the students to open the textbook at once.(老師踏入教室,要求學生立刻打開教科書。)

2.  過去進行式

動詞型態 was∕were+V-ing


例1.I was watching TV at eight o’clock last night.


例2.It was raining at seven o’clock this morning.(今早7點時,正在下雨。)


例 My sister was sleeping when I arrived.(我到達時,我妹妹正在睡覺。)


(1)  過去進行式常以下列句型表之:

主詞+ when+主詞+過去式V

(2)  簡單式所表示的動作通常比進行式所表示的動作


3.  過去完成式

動詞型態 had+p.p.


例1.The train had gone before we reached the station.


例2.After you had gone, I went to wash the dishes.(你走之後,我才去洗碗。)


例1.I had met him twice by yesterday.(在昨天之前,我已見過他兩次。)

4.  過去完成進行式

動詞形態 had been V-ing


例1.We had been waiting for him half an hour when he arrived.


例2.Mother had been preparing our breakfast when I got up.


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